Children of Destiny, Part 2a: Ups and Downs, Derbin
The first flight of Project Orbiter, Halo A, ascends!It flies on a larger and more sophisticated rocket than the Virga vehicles, wider and considerably more powerful.The satellite is also larger and more sophisticated than Satellite One... but Halo A burns up in Derbin's atmosphere.Halo B has a somewhat redesigned guidance system, hoping to follow a more efficient ascent profile and reach orbit.Unfortunately, it too fails to make orbit.Halo C, then, has been delayed enough that an even larger lifter is available.It relies on similar technologies to the other rockets, but'll make it to orbit.Halo C becomes Satellite Two, a relatively long-term orbiter.Halo D, then, is really more an uprated late Virga...Though it won't go all that much further.But hey- that's the business of deep gravity wells. Satellite Three soars!Halo E ascends on another multi-core rocket- it's a new type of spacecraft altogether.It's a new type of spacecraft- no, for real.Satellite Four carries not only a small return vehicle, to carry film and scientific results back home...But also a wider array of scientific equipment than used on any other spacecraft yet.The return vehicle has just enough monopropellant fuel and battery power to make its way back down and broadcast its landing spot.The question of whether it will even survive remains unanswered, until the flames that wreathe it die down.Then it plummets towards the surface of Derbin...And opens its parachutes, slowing to a safe touchdown speed.A successful test- even if the film transferral motors failed on-orbit.