Names in order of first "reality" then acquisition and with rough preference-for-use by those who can see this page:

Extremely outdated info
Names of individual Levana Moods, paired with pronouns and who they are

Pronouns in order of preference (by which i mean if you're to select one, the higher up the better) **PENDING REDO:

Emoji (and other Deeply Confusing) Pronoun Vault:

☿, ♁, ⚴, ⚶, 🪐, ♅, ♆, ⎈, ⎄, ⎌, 7, 🌕/🌖/🌗/🌘/🌑self, anyone/anyone's


level 2/3 version of this page word prefs yeah i made a kinlist lol
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